<blockquote class="postcontent restore"><div style="text-align: center;"><font color="#B22222"><font size="5"><strong>السلام عليكم ورحمة الله وبركاته</strong></font></font><br><br><img alt="" border="0" src="http://penelopeillustration.com/blog/wp-content/helpwanted.jpg"><br><div class="bbcode_container"><div class="bbcode_quote"><div class="quote_container"><p>Ok guys, we're putting out a survey to the public to see what you guys think about what we should be doing in the <em><strong>digital</strong></em> game space (not retail).<br><br> Obviously, we have many opinions internally and we're looking to gather some data about your buying habits and what franchises and even title types, you'd like us to make in the future.<br> So to that end, I've been allowed to share this survey with all of you. The survey will only take a few minutes of your time and it's a great opportunity to let your voices be heard directly.<br> There's no guarantees on what the outcomes will be, but I promise you, this data will be a factor in our decision making process. I'll be compiling the data in about a week (closing just after Christmas) and sharing the results internally with Japan before the end of the year.<br> Thanks in advance and have a happy holiday. <img alt="" border="0" class="inlineimg" src="http://i.remal.com/img/smilies/smile.gif" title="أبتسامة"><br></p></div></div></div><font color="#B22222"><strong><br>باختصار وضعت Capcom استبيان لمعرفة ماذا يريد اللاعبين مستقبلاً<br>وعلى كلام موظف كابكوم ان النتائج قد لا تكون مضمونه (طبعاً مستحيل يوعدون بشي حالياً)<br>لكن الشركه راح تستفيد منها لخططهم المستقبليّة بشكل عام<br>وفي أسئله تركّز على بعض الالعاب المهمه منها Resident Evil و Onimusha و Street Fighter و Mega Man<br>الاستبيان ما ياخذ وقت وهذا الرابط</strong></font><br><br><a href="http://adf.ly/330861/https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KFCBRBY" target="_blank">https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/KFCBRBY</a><br></div></blockquote>